It's quarantine time, baby!

Let's play a little catch up, shall we?

It's been so interesting coming back to this blog after many months of not even remembering it exists. I thought I would add something new here since it seems to me one of the best ways to look back and see how things have changed. One of the posts I made back in 2014 just brought me to tears, especially that last part where I am wishing my future self is reading all this from the Tuscany, Italy. One day, baby. Right now, Italy is in trouble from the massive threat Coronavirus (COVID-19) lays on its citizens. I pray and hope healing for the country and for many and many others currently under seize by this virus.

Definitely didn't see this time coming and NO ONE DID. Anyways, that's what's going on. No Italy for a while but still would love to go. Oh...and add a trip to South America, I am falling in love more and more with its diverse cultures, nature and spirit.

Let's talk a little bit more about what I am up to these days. I will say that I had a lot of wisdom back then that got me through a lot. I didn't realize a lot of the things I was thinking about back then as a university student are a lot of the things I am learning while walking on my spiritual path currently. Last year, I was given a gift of a new perspective. As I have said before, I have played a victim to so much in my life and ideally, I would have liked to have an easier childhood, teen-hood or even adulthood, it wasn't easy, mostly because my own mind was running rampant - being totally panicked about everything, letting my spirit and my intuition take a backseat. Well, not anymore or at least not so much. Right now, it seems I am have gotten off the beaten path for a bit and am discovering the sides of the world and myself I never believed in before or just never thought of. It's been a great learning experience diving deeper into the world of the divine and my connection to it. I come from a religious mother and her mother, their connection to God very strong and unwavering, which I never understood, but always quietly observed. I still don't understand but that's alright. I feel I have my own discoveries ahead of me and I will have to embark on this journey the way it feels right to my own spirit.

So, right now, the way I am looking at my mind is that it's a tool and it's always been a tool of the the body and the spirit to communicate and imagine and create. Somewhere, somehow it took the driver's seat and now it makes people think that whatever it is creating (most of the time without the intention or the help from the actual person) is the truth. When in reality, it's far from it. We are so consumed by the automatic thoughts generated by the mind and materializing out of thin air that they seem real or the correct response to the world around us. We have forgotten to distinguish between our thoughts and the one observing them...I can go on about this for days and I myself struggled so much and was so tightly bound by my thoughts I felt there was no escape. Then, last year something awakened in me. Life has been easier ever since. Or rather, life was always easier and my eyes have opened up to the suffering I was imposing on myself.

I hope at this time as people spend more time with themselves, their loved ones they also come into new realizations. I hope they also learn to use the mind as a creative tool, not as an imposing dictator directing everything in their lives.


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